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5 Differences between HTTP and HTTPS that are Crucial for Your Website

By Cloudmatika 18 December, 2022

​You will usually find HTTP or HTTPS signs on a website address when accessing a website. So, what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS for a website?

For internet users, you must be familiar with the words HTTP or HTTPS on the front of the domain of a website you are visiting. What do these two signs mean? Then, what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? Check out the explanation in the following article!

What is HTTP?

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol that functions to be able to communicate between different systems. One example is sending data from a web server to a browser. When you search for information on the internet, HTTP will make the web server send data to the browser so you can see the data you are looking for.

When you access a website, this HTTP text will be seen at the beginning of the domain. However, HTTP has a drawback: the data it sends must be better protected. This increases the risk of irresponsible parties misusing it. What is HTTPS? Furthermore, HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a more secure and advanced version of HTTP. For example, when you visit a website with features for login or payment transactions, you will find this HTTPS. HTTPS will use TCP or Transmission Control Protocol when you receive and send data through port 443 with a connection encrypted by SSL/TLS.

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In other words, HTTPS is relatively more secure than HTTP. So, what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

What are the Differences between HTTP and HTTPS?

At first glance, HTTP and HTTPS only differ in one letter at the end. However, in terms of function, it can be felt from developing security systems on network protocols. For more details, here are some complete differences between HTTP and HTTPS.

1. Port Usage

The first difference between HTTP and HTTPS lies in the use of ports. The port is a logic port that cannot be seen and felt. However, ports can connect devices by protocol or other media. Logic ports have many types and uses.

In HTTP, the port is type 80, which functions for web server connectivity with clients. Meanwhile, if you want to access HTTPS with SSL, you need port 443 for network connectivity.

2. Data Security

Furthermore, data transmitted with the HTTP protocol cannot guarantee security between the client and the server. This is what causes many crime issues, such as data hackers. The risk of data spreading to unknown subjects is vast. However, if you use HTTPS, there is a collaborative protocol in the form of transmitted data security. This makes HTTPS widely used by web developers.

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3. SSL

In the third difference, the server and client communication protocol always uses the HTTP concept. If you want to implement the HTTPS protocol, you need an SSL or Secure Socket Layers certificate.

There are six types of SSL that web developers can purchase. SSL will display a padlock sign on the website URL address bar so that visitors can trust the website because it is considered safe to provide data or make sensitive transactions. SSL keeps essential data secret, such as PINs, passwords, personal identities, etc.

4. Loading Speed

If your website uses a server that supports HTTP/2 protocol, your website loading speed can be faster when you use HTTPS. HTTP/2 protocol can support HTTPS by reducing latency and resource consumption, such as bandwidth, making your website speed faster.

In addition, using HTTPS can also make you use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). AMP is a mobile version of your website with faster performance than the desktop version. To use AMP, you must first install SSL on your website.

5. Advantages of Usage

When you visit an HTTP website with an unlocked padlock symbol, it indicates that it is unsafe. Sometimes, visitors need help and cannot open the website or be redirected to another page.

Conversely, browsing a web server that uses the HTTPS protocol will comfort browser explorers. Visitors no longer need to feel anxious when entering sensitive information.

Why Should Your Website Use HTTPS?

You have now understood the difference between HTTP and HTTPS, where websites with HTTPS protocol offer more security. To better understand, here are some of the benefits of using HTTPS on your website:

1. Encryption Makes Communication Secure

First, messages encrypted with the HTTPS protocol cannot be read, deciphered, or transferred from the browser and server. This means you can prevent many attacks that attempt to steal information from your website by interrupting the data transfer, such as the Man in the Middle attacks.

This means that users entering sensitive information or making transactions will be well protected, for example, when purchasing through marketplace websites or web applications.

2. Users Have More Trust in Websites that Have HTTPS:// in the URL

Second, people who already understand the difference between HTTP and HTTPS will trust websites that use HTTPS more. Many sites that initially used the HTTP protocol had to update internal and external links and then change them to HTTPS. After that, visitors began to arrive.

In addition, browsers can warn users if the website they are visiting does not use the HTTPS protocol. This can make almost all of your visitors leave your website immediately.

3. Authentication Prevents Hacking Attacks

Furthermore, HTTPS can prevent attacks by hackers, especially man-in-the-middle attacks and domain spoofing. A man-in-the-middle attack usually occurs when a hacker places himself between two devices and intercepts or modifies the communication between the two devices. On the other hand, domain spoofing is when a hacker creates a page that looks like a legitimate website. In essence, the hacker intends to steal important information.

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4. HTTPS becomes a Ranking Factor for Google

Finally, with pages that use HTTPS:// in the URL, you can place yourself on the first page of Google search. This shows that HTTPS can bring more traffic to a website. Ideally, the higher the traffic, the more opportunities for companies to make sales. This is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS that you need to know. A secure website uses the HTTPS protocol. Therefore, when building a website, use the HTTPS protocol. Also, pay attention to the domain service you use.

Choose an experienced and professional domain service provider like Cloudmatika's Domain service. Various domain extensions are available at affordable prices, which can be customized according to your business needs. Contact Cloudmatika now for more information.
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