Data leakage in Indonesia experienced a sharp spike as of the second quarter of 2022. For those of you who have a website, especially an online store website, this should be a yellow light for all of you to start paying attention to the security of your website. Fortifying your company's website defenses using SSL is now not an option but an obligation.
Do you know what SSL is? This security system not only ensures visitor comfort but also improves the quality of your website. Let's get acquainted with SSL in this article.
What is SSL?
Secure Socket Layer, a.k.a SSL, is a website security component to protect against data theft attacks from hackers or irresponsible people. The data transfer path on the website will be encrypted so that it is safe for website visitors to access. Data on the server is also protected from theft if SSL fences your website.
You can see the difference in the address section between a website with an SSL certificate installed and one that does not use SSL. Websites that have an SSL certificate will begin with the HTTPS code and are green in color. Meanwhile, websites without SSL certificates will get a 'Not Secured' label in the Google Chrome browser.
There is also the term Transport Layer Security (TLS), the latest and more modern version of SSL. Every new data encryption and website protection feature is part of TLS. It's just that internet users are more familiar with SSL, so this term is still often used.
Why does your website need SSL?
In general, the function of SSL is to increase website security. However, more specifically, SSL has many roles on your website. Here are some of the functions and benefits of SSL that you can feel on your website:
1. Avoiding Data Theft
Hackers or irresponsible people always try to access essential data on your website. SSL is useful for reducing the potential for data theft. Every data on the server has been encrypted, and sensitive data has been scrambled so that hackers do not easily read it. You have to pay a heavy fine if the website has a data leak.
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2. Avoid Wrong Data Transfer
SSL has an authentication function so that the data or information is sent according to the destination server. If the data did not go through the authentication process from SSL, it could have entered the wrong or dangerous server. Wrong data sending can be an advantage for hackers to get sensitive data.
3. Increase Website Reputation
The reputation of your website can be seen from its level of security. Websites that have SSL installed will show a locked padlock icon or green HTTPS writing. The icon indicates that the website has been deemed safe by the browser. Visitors' trust in a website increases. They will not hesitate to make transactions on your website.
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4. Improving Website SEO Ranking
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy to display websites on search engine result pages. Search engine algorithms will use SSL as one of the indicators to improve SEO ranking on SERP. Visitors will more easily find your website because it appears directly on the SERP if you apply for an SSL certificate.
What Types of SSL Can You Use?
After seeing the four reasons above, you must be more convinced to implement SSL. Before using this service, you must know several types of SSL that can be used. There are two categories of SSL based on the number of domains and the level of validation. The list below outlines the types of SSL.
Based on the Number of Domains
This category divides SSL based on the number of domains protected but has the same level of security. There are four types of SSL in this category, namely:
1. Single-Domain
Single-domain SSL protects only one domain listed in the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and the subdirectory section. The subdomain section related to your website's main domain will not be protected. Although the price is more pocket-friendly, the installation process is longer, especially if you want to install it for each subdomain.
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2. Wildcard
Wildcard SSL protects not only one domain but an unlimited number of related subdomains. You can check the status of this SSL by clicking the padlock icon in the address bar and then selecting 'Certificate.' The star icon before the domain name indicates that Wildcard SSL is installed and protects all website subdomains. Unfortunately, only first-level subdomains can be protected by this SSL.
3. Multi-Domain
Multi-domain SSL is valid for protecting several domains that are unrelated to each other. The number of domains that can be protected depends on the service provider, usually ranging from 100-250 subdomains. The characteristics of a multi-domain SSL website are the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) section in the certificate details containing several names.
4. Unified Communications Certificates
This type of SSL is more exclusive because it is explicitly made for Office Communication Server and Microsoft Exchange. However, you can secure multiple domains and subdomains without using the Microsoft platform. Unified Communication Certificates have unique settings, so they are more sophisticated.
Based on Validation Level
SSL validation level means the Certificate Authorization (CA) capacity to check the authenticity of the website owner. Based on the level of validation, here are some types of SSL.
1. Domain-validated
Certificate Domain-validated (DV) SSL only requires website owners to prove their domain ownership to the CA. This process is done via email, phone calls, or changing DNS data. This domain type is ideally used by personal website owners or freelancers who want to display their portfolios.
2. Organization Validated Certificate
This SSL validation level is higher than DV. Organization Validated (OV) SSL will check the authenticity of the domain and the validity of the business being run. This means you must prove your business identity's authenticity to the CA. Even if your business is classified as a Small and Medium Community Business (MSME), this certificate is still needed for customer convenience.
3. Extended Validation Certificate
Extended Validation (EV) SSL will check the validity of the business thoroughly. Checked business identity also includes physical location, legal status, and proof of consumers who have purchased your products. Large companies are required to use this type of certificate.
How Does SSL Work to Secure Your Website?
SSL works in a simple way. It focuses on the security of communication between two computers or devices connected to the Internet. Visitors will be safer when visiting websites, sending emails, and transacting online. Also, your company data remains safe and encrypted so bad people will not steal it.
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Two critical combinations are used: the public key and the private key. The public key encrypts the data sent by visitors, while the private key decrypts it so that it can be read.
Should you use paid SSL?
When you create a website, getting a free SSL service from your host is not uncommon. But is free SSL enough? Of course not if you pay more attention to your website.
One of the two disadvantages of free SSL that you should pay attention to is the lack of support and insurance. When you experience or find problems with the security of your website, free SSL will not provide you with assistance services. Then, when it turns out that your website was successfully hacked or attacked by someone, the free SSL service cannot provide you with any form of insurance.
So, please provide special funds to choose the best SSL for your website needs rather than bear any loss when a cyber-attack hits your website. After understanding SSL, you must have realized the importance of this security certificate for your website. Does your website already use an SSL certificate? If not, use the
Sectigo SSL Certificate service to make your website more secure when visited.
You will get an SSL certificate for one year at an affordable cost with more features! Want to know more about the features?
Contact Cloudmatika immediately and boost your website's reputation with our SSL service.