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Know What Spyware is and How to Protect Your Device from It!

By Cloudmatika 18 January, 2023

What is spyware? This cyberattack works by snooping on your digital activities. Learn more about spyware and how to deal with it here.

Cybercriminals always have sneaky strategies to attack your computer. They run spyware techniques that have the potential to paralyze computer networks. These spyware attacks also target the smartphone devices you use daily. You need to know what spyware is and how to prevent it to avoid this attack.

Check out a complete review of spyware, types of attacks, and how to anticipate them in this article.

Understanding What Spyware Is

Spyware is a type of malware or malicious software. It aims to obtain sensitive information or data from the target computer system without your knowledge. As the term implies, the technique of a spyware attack is to snoop on your computer activities and send the data to someone else. Stolen data includes passwords, login IDs, and credit card information.

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Spyware can take the form of software or applications that are downloaded automatically without the user's permission. You should be aware of this type of malware because it can come from unofficial applications considered harmless. The reason is that spyware installed in these applications can jeopardize privacy and snoop on digital activities.

Computers and other internet-connected devices, such as smartphones, can also be infiltrated by spyware. Spyware perpetrators don't just use this attack technique to steal data. They also use this attack to track someone's location without permission, intercept phone calls, access email or text messages, and even open photos and videos in the gallery.

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This type of attack is difficult to detect. However, you can tell if spyware has infiltrated the device if its performance slows down or the battery quickly weakens.

Types of Spyware You Should Be Wary Of

Spyware attacks come in many forms. You should be aware of some of these activities as they indicate a spyware attack. What are they?

1. Adware

This type of spyware comes in pop-up ads that appear when you visit a website. This adware can harm your device if you accidentally click on it. If you click on adware, there are two possibilities: either you are redirected to a phishing website, or malware is automatically installed on your device.

2. Keylogger

Keyloggers are spyware attacks that can record your keyboard activity. It can snoop on passwords, email addresses, or other sensitive data that you type into keywords. After the recording process, the keylogger will send the data to the hacker's server.

3. Password Theft

Password theft is any spyware that aims to steal login credentials such as passwords, PINs, or usernames. The stolen data will be sent to the hacker's server, and the hacker will misuse the login information. Usually, password theft targets banking accounts, e-commerce, or other accounts used for transactions.

4. Trojan

This spyware disguises itself as standard software that hackers distribute through phishing emails. The Trojan will not install itself on your device. Trojans successfully installed on the device will carry out commands designed by hackers, such as installing other spyware to take over your device.

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5. Browser Hijacker

The browser hijacker attack technique is that the perpetrator hijacks your browser and changes its homepage settings. The characteristic appears by displaying malicious adware when visiting a website. This type of attack is quite severe because it also includes keylogger attacks.

How to Protect Your Computer Network from Spyware

The good news is that you can protect your computer network from these malicious attacks. How can you do this?

1. Avoid Unofficial Websites

You should download software from an unofficial website for some reason. Avoid doing so because unofficial websites or app stores can harbor dangerous spyware. Spyware will infect your computer if you keep downloading apps from websites like this.

2. Only Download Trusted Apps

Spyware can infiltrate an application or software that claims to be an additional official application service. Checking the service provider's name would be best to be selective when downloading apps. Also, check if the app service provider listed publishes the app.

3. Be Selective in Granting Permissions to Apps

Like other apps, software or apps containing spyware will also ask for microphone and camera access permissions. Be careful in granting permissions to the applications used so as not to lead to spyware attacks.

4. Remove Some Foreign Apps

Sometimes, you must check the list of apps available on your device. Immediately remove apps that are unknown or automatically downloaded without your knowledge. Spyware could be operating and snooping on your activities through these apps.

5. Enable Pop-Up Blocker

This step is essential to avoid adware. You need to activate the pop-up blocker menu through the settings menu of your frequently used browser. Also, install a pop-up filter so the browser can be more selective in displaying ads on your computer screen.

6. Clear Browser Cookies and Cache

Spyware can also get into your browser's cookies or cache. Clear your cache logs or cookies regularly to avoid spreading spyware to your computer or smartphone.

7. Avoid Following Links in SMS and Email

Perpetrators often launch spyware attacks through short messages or SMS and email. This activity is commonly known as phishing. Be careful about clicking links sent in such messages as they could contain malicious spyware. In addition to links, spyware is often delivered via document attachments in emails or messaging platforms.

Use Cloudmatika Mail Buster to keep your email inbox safe from malware attacks. Mail Buster instantly blocks malware and ransomware attacks before they reach your email server and inbox, keeping you safe and efficient.

8. Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Every computer should ideally be equipped with a firewall to maintain computer security. However, you must choose the best firewall to handle any cyber attack. You can rely on Cloudmatika's Web Application Firewall (WAF) because it will detect unknown cyberattacks accurately and quickly. WAF's intuitive control panel will undoubtedly make it easier for you to operate this application.

9. Utilize the Best Anti-malware Software

In addition to a firewall, your computer also needs anti-malware software with backup and recovery features to keep your data safe. For that, choose Cloudmatika Cyber Protection to enhance your computer's security.

The backup system available in this software has forensic capabilities that can quickly save your data in the cloud. Cyber Protection can also withstand any sophisticated malware attack with its URL filtering feature and the latest version of AI/ML.

Now that you understand what spyware is and know the steps to prevent it, one of them is using services from Cloudmatika. Our services, such as Mail Buster, WAF, and Cyber Protection, can be used to protect your device. Contact us via WhatsApp now to consult about your computer network security needs!
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