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Understanding What is Data Security: Definition and Benefits for Your Company

By Cloudmatika 29 August, 2022

Data security is needed to protect data in systems, networks, and other digital components. Check out the full story!

Data security is needed to protect data in systems, networks, and other digital components. This security system is required to prevent cybercrime. This article will give you a more in-depth explanation of data security, from the types and benefits to how to implement it. Let's see the full explanation below!

What is Data Security?

Data security protects digital data and information from illegal access, misuse, or theft across networks and systems. Data security covers every aspect of information security, from the physical security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls and the logical security of software applications, policies, and organizational procedures.

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A good data security strategy can protect data assets and business information from cybercrime activities, insider threats, and human error when implemented correctly. Therefore, businesses must implement data security to protect business and consumer data.

What Are the Types of Data Security You Can Implement?

In practice, there are various types of data security that you can implement to protect sensitive data and information. The following are some types of data security you can implement.

1. Encryption

Computer algorithms convert text characters into an unreadable format via an encryption key, and only authorized users with the appropriate key can unlock and access the information. A wide range of data and information in email communications can and should be encrypted to keep them secure.

2. Access Control

This data security measure limits physical and digital access to systems, networks, and critical data. One practice is to ensure that all computers and devices are protected with mandatory login entry, and (physical) data rooms can only be entered by authorized employees.

3. Authentication

Similar to access control, authentication refers to accurately identifying users before they have access to a system, network, or data. Practices of this type of data security usually include things like mandatory passwords, PINs, security tokens, swipe cards, or biometrics.

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4. Backup and Recovery

Backup and recovery is a type of data security that is mandatory and necessary because if there is a system failure, disaster, data corruption, or data leakage, you can still access and use the data. You can copy and store your data in a separate place, such as the cloud, for easy recovery.

5. Data Erasure

You should erase unused data properly and regularly. Data erasure is a type of data security that uses software to overwrite data on a storage device so you cannot recover it. It can prevent data leakage and misuse.

6. Data Masking

Using data masking software, you can hide information by hiding letters and numbers in the data with proxy characters. This type of data security can effectively mask sensitive information, even if an illegal party gains access to the data. When authorized users access the data, the letters and numbers will return to normal.

7. Data Resiliency

Exemplary data security implementation means the system can survive or recover from various problems. The application of data resiliency is handy so that data and information can stay despite failures such as power outages or natural disasters.

What are the Benefits of Implementing Data Security for Your Company?

The main benefit of implementing data security is obviously to protect data, both company and consumer data. However, there are various other benefits that companies can feel. The following are some benefits of implementing data security for your company.

1. Protecting Data

The benefit of implementing data security is that data, whether it belongs to companies or consumers, can be protected from cyber-attacks and similar crimes. That way, you might face various digital threats, and risks can be avoided and dealt with properly.

2. Maintain Company Productivity

The company's operational activities will usually disrupted when a cyberattack occurs. However, it can be handled well if the company implements data security correctly. You can know what to do when a cyberattack occurs. That way, the company's operational activities can continue to run normally.

3. Preventing Cyber Attacks

So many cyberattacks, such as spyware and adware, can occur. Implementing good and correct data security can prevent all kinds of cyber attacks. Even if a cyber attack has occurred, the company can deal with it properly, and it will not disrupt its operational activities.

How Can You Implement Data Security on Your Website and Company?

There are many data security strategies that companies can implement. The following are some of the data security strategies that you must implement.

1. CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability)

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) are the three main concepts of data security that you must implement to ensure that you can protect your data. Every data must remain confidential from illegal parties (confidentiality) and consistent and accurate so it can be trusted (integrity). You can access it anytime and use it correctly (availability).

2. Data Risk Management

Companies must first identify and assess all risks and threats that could affect the data to protect data adequately. Companies must implement this data risk management to minimize and reduce the risks and threats identified and assessed beforehand.

3. Data Backup and Recovery

Backup and recovery measures or procedures are essential components of a data security strategy that you must implement. Once data is created, you should back it up to ensure you can record it during failures, such as power outages and natural disasters.

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A good data security strategy should specify which data types should be backed up, how the data is restored when a failure occurs, and which storage media should be used. All these measures should also be included in the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) procedures.
Services to implement the above data security strategies, you can use Cloudmatika's. In addition to these strategies, Cloudmatika offers other data security services, such as Cyber Protection and Disaster Recovery, supported by Acronis. For more information about the services we provide, please click here.
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