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What is Data Protection and How it Benefits Your Business

By Cloudmatika 06 January, 2023

Data protection is one way to protect your business data that can minimize data theft. Read the full article here!

Data storage has grown over the years with the help of technology. Despite the increasingly sophisticated data storage, irresponsible parties sometimes still look for loopholes to hack or breach. Because of this security problem, the term data protection emerged. Data protection is a security solution that you can apply to digital data storage.

Minimizing data leakage must be a priority for the data owner, whether a person or a company. Data leakage itself can cause considerable losses to the company. Therefore, data protection, whether personal or company data, must be carefully considered.

What exactly is data protection? Does it only protect data, or is it more than that? To learn more about data protection, Cloudmatika will discuss it, from its benefits to how to protect your data optimally. Be sure to read this article until the end to get the information.

What is Data Protection?

Data protection is a system used to secure critical data or information. As the definition implies, it prevents damage, hacking, and data loss.

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The data referred to here is undoubtedly not just personal data. Given the company's scale, the protected data is undoubtedly diverse. In addition to the data of its workers, some data containing company strategy, data related to work in each division of the company, or confidential company data that is not public consumption are the company's top priority.

Data protection itself has five elements that support its implementation. The five main elements are official data security policies, data encryption, worker education and training, data backup, data monitoring and reporting, and software security.

What are the Benefits of Good Data Protection Implementation for Your Business? As you know, data protection plays a big part in protecting data. However, did you understand that the five data protection elements also indirectly impact a business's reputation? Why is that? Here are the benefits of data protection for a company that you should know!

1. Data Protection Minimizes Potential Losses

Keep in mind that the impact of data loss or hacking on your business is a loss. The loss you feel may not be thoroughly thought through if the hack only causes data loss. But for data loss alone, you must spend money to restore data, which will not cost a small budget.

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The loss due to hacking or data breaches will be much worse if your website or software is attacked. While the estimated amount will not be exact, it will still add to the total loss taken from your business budget.

2. Data Protection Prevents Data Misuse

That party can misuse data taken in a hack or breach by an irresponsible party. The misuse of personal data can vary, such as being sold or used as collateral for online loans.

3. Data Protection Minimizes Criminal Actions

Irresponsible parties can also commit criminal acts based on data taken from hacking or breaching. One illegal act that may occur is a disguise made by the party into the entity whose data was taken.

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This disguise can allow the irresponsible party to use the information to access various sites or accounts of the entity whose information is utilized. Therefore, data protection can minimize these possibilities.

How to Protect Your Company Data?

You can protect critical company data or information in several ways.

1. Apply Encryption to Data

One way to protect data is to apply encryption to any data that contains essential information. Encryption is the process of scrambling information so that it can only be read by the owner of the access to the data comprising it.

So, if parties want to hack or steal essential data from the company, they can only see the appearance of random data that cannot be understood.

2. Integrated Device Management

In addition to encryption, you can manage integrated devices, such as providing devices to access important company information data. This is to avoid data corruption because it is too often moved from one device to another.

Integrating devices can also make data backup easier. Devices incorporated into the same storage area will facilitate backup to minimize data loss due to hacking and theft.

3. Create an Official Policy on Business Data Security

The following way to protect your company's data is to create official policies to improve its data security. These policies should be detailed and precise so that internal parties in the company can easily understand them.

Also, include policies to make corrections or solutions if there is a threat of sudden data loss or theft. Corrective and solution policies can provide first aid as soon as possible to prevent or minimize the impact of the threat.

4. Utilize a Data Center to Store Data

Another way is to utilize a data center. The data center is an infrastructure that can store data on a large scale. It usually has a rack that contains a large number of servers.

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Data centers are known to have a very high level of security in terms of infrastructure security and the security of the software used. In addition, they have a large enough data storage capacity. These two things make many people use data centers to store critical company data.

Using a data center as a data storage facility gives you a perfect guarantee of data security. Besides the large storage capacity and good protection from cyber threats, data centers are also considered safe due to their location, which minimizes threats such as natural disasters.

Regardless of all the ways you can do it, choose the best cybersecurity protection with a high level of security. One of them is Cloudmatika's data protection service. In addition to handling cyber security issues, our services provide backup facilities that can make protecting important company data easier. Contact us here to get data protection services for your company.
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