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Understanding the Impact of Digital Transformation for Businesses and Enterprises

By Cloudmatika 29 December, 2022

Digital transformation has many impacts on business, including helping companies improve efficiency. In this article, we will discuss the other consequences.

Business changes caused by the impact of digital transformation can pose various new challenges for companies, such as expanding the scope of employee work, the need to continue learning, and adapting to new technologies. However, carrying out digital transformation allows companies and businesses to survive in competition with competitors.

Digital transformation can also help companies improve customer experience and expand markets quickly. Although faced with various challenges, digital transformation has many positive impacts on the company. Some of you may be wondering what the effects of digital transformation on business are. Here is the full explanation.

What are the Impacts of Digital Transformation for a Business?

There are several impacts of digital transformation on businesses, including:

1. Improving Productivity and Collaboration

Digital transformation can help companies increase productivity and collaboration by allowing them to carry out business processes faster. It will also assist companies in improving the quality of products or services offered to customers.

For example, a company may adopt Filebox to facilitate digital transformation. Filebox is an application that allows companies to store, access, and share files easily and quickly.

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Because it has provided a Filebox, the company can reduce the time needed to find and access files and help improve collaboration between departments.

Cloudmatika FileBox is a data and document storage tool for transmitting digital transformation. This service eliminates storing essential documents in traditional ways, such as cabinets or physical files.

In addition, Cloudmatika FileBox provides a safe and secure place to store data and documents.

2. Improving Customer Experience

Companies can provide faster and more responsive services to customers. In this digital transformation era, companies offer mobile applications to customers so that they can respond more quickly to their questions or complaints.

If the services provided also make it easier for customers, this can help companies increase customer satisfaction and attract more customers. Therefore, digital transformation allows companies to improve customer experience.

3. The Company can Compete Effectively

Companies can compete effectively and efficiently with competitors by adopting and integrating the latest technology into business operations. Many other companies have switched and transformed to expand the market and increase profits in this digital era.

4. Increase Innovation and Creativity

Digital transformation makes it easier for businesses to collect data, find innovation opportunities, and develop creative ideas. It can also help companies accelerate the process of creating and disseminating innovations, increasing business excellence, and winning market competition.

5. Increase Business Transparency and Accountability

A business can easily store and access data openly and transparently, thus helping to maintain customers' and other parties' trust in business activities. In addition, digital transformation can help monitor and control business processes more accurately and integrate them, improving effectiveness and compliance with applicable standards and regulations.

In addition, digital transformation can help monitor and control business processes more accurately and integrate them, improving effectiveness and compliance with applicable standards and regulations.

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How Can Your Company Start Digital Transformation?

To start the digital transformation, companies can follow these steps:

1. Digitization

Digitization is the process of converting information technology or data from analog form to digital form. This process usually uses electronic devices such as computers, scanners, or other processing tools.

After data is converted into digital form, it can be easily stored, processed, and shared through computer networks or the Internet. Digitization is essential in initiating digital transformation, as it helps improve data accessibility, efficiency, and security.

One example of digitization is converting photos or images from a camera or album into digital files. This can be done using a scanner device or an image processing application on a computer. This change undoubtedly improves data accessibility, efficiency, and security.

2. Digitalization

Digitalization will ensure that digital transformation runs smoothly. This is because digitalization helps improve efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness.

Digitalization changes a system, process, or industry to utilize digital information or products. An example of digitization is changing the banking or finance industry from conventional to digital. This can be done using digital technology such as mobile banking, online payment, or blockchain.

This way, the transaction process will make it easier for people to manage funds quickly and efficiently.

3. Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is changing a business or industry to integrate and utilize digital technology fully. This process requires a change from conventional ways of working to ways of working supported by digital technology to maximize the results of digitization and digitalization that have been done before.

One of the factors that triggered the digital transformation was the demand or customer need for faster services. This results in the emergence of digital applications that can meet these needs. The digital transformation process that is felt tangibly is the change in how a person shops or obtains services from manual or physical stores to digital or online. For example, ordering food, reserving a place, and buying a new car can all be done through an app or website accessed quickly through a computer or smartphone.

If you are running a business and want to start the digital transformation right, use FileBox from Cloudmatika. One of the advantages of Cloudmatika FileBox is that users can manage data efficiently without the need to operate a dedicated view or page. This can be done by uploading and downloading data through a browser in Windows, making the process faster and easier.

Cloudmatika FileBox also features unlimited users, so the subscription fee will not change even if the number of users increases. This makes it easier for you to manage your budget and not worry about billing for each new user.

This feature is also handy for businesses with dynamic or growing numbers of employees. Thus, a business or company can optimize the use of Cloudmatika FileBox effectively and efficiently.

In addition to the unlimited user feature, Cloudmatika FileBox also features access permissions that you can set for each folder. This enables safe and secure communication with external parties, such as business partners. Cloudmatika FileBox offers a default capacity of 1TB to 3 TB and monthly prices starting from Rp. 1.580.000 per month.

​We also provide a 14-day free trial service for users who want to try this service. If you use this cloud storage service, you can contact the Cloudmatika team for a free consultation.
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