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Understanding the Hosting Control Panel

By Cloudmatika 13 December, 2022

The Hosting Control Panel is a tool for managing all aspects of hosting services. See a more complete explanation of the Hosting Control Panel here.

The Hosting Control Panel is a tool that allows you to manage all aspects of your hosting service. It will enable you to perform the most complex system admin processes in just a few clicks from the admin interface. You can even perform advanced tasks like server migration to web server redirection in just a few clicks.

For more complete information, Cloudmatika will discuss the Hosting Control Panel in detail. In addition, Cloudmatika will also provide information on how to choose the right Hosting Control Panel.

What is a Hosting Control Panel?

The Hosting Control Panel is a tool that allows users to manage servers and hosted services. You can use the Hosting Control Panel to handle any element of the hosting service.

Also Read: Mengenal Jenis-jenis Control Panel Hosting dan Fiturnya

Companies can accomplish most problematic system administration tasks with just a few clicks from the admin interface. In seconds, you can even create complex systems like server migrations and web server redirects. Before the Hosting Control Panel, the whole process needed to be done manually, and it took a lot of time to organize everything. But now, the management happens in just a few minutes.

What is the Function of the Control Panel or cPanel?

For new users, what is cPanel? cPanel is one of the most widely used Linux-based control panels in web hosting. To learn more, here are the other functions of cPanel.

1. Monitoring Resource Usage

The hosting resource indicator is a function of the Hosting Control Panel. It lets you know when a resource is about to reach its limit or if it has already reached its limit. Examples of hosting resources include disk space, RAM, and inodes. Using the hosting resource indicator, you can ensure that resources are under the maximum limit and website performance is stable. The hosting indicator can also indicate when the time is right for you to upgrade and expand hosting resources.

2. Managing Domains and Subdomains

The Hosting Control Panel can also manage website domains or subdomains. Before managing a website, the domain must be able to point to the website. Because of the many setting options that hosting offers, you can check out the various setting options below:
  • Adding a domain
  • Creating subdomains
  • Controlling DNS
  • Setting up a redirect domain
  • Deleting a domain

3. Creating and Managing Emails

You can create an email with a company domain with the Hosting Control Panel. The advantage of this email is that you can freely determine the storage limit in the account.

Also Read: Domain Email untuk Reputasi Bisnis Anda

Not only that, you can also manage emails that have been sent or that are still constrained. Another feature provided is that you can create several filters in the email.

4. Manage Database

In addition to managing email, Control Panel Hosting can manage databases through passwords, data, usernames, and pages. With Control Panel Hosting, your website can be more easily managed.

How to Choose the Right Control Panel?

Before using a control panel, it helps to know tips on choosing a control panel that suits your criteria. You need to understand some ways to select a control panel.

1. Stability and Security

Because websites are vulnerable to cybercrime, the most important thing when choosing a control panel is the guarantee of stability and security provided. Be careful when selecting a tool to manage your website.

2. Good User Interface

Apart from security, having a good User Interface is also essential and should be remembered. Remember that a good interface is an interface that makes it easy for users. If the interface is not user-friendly, it will affect its use later.

Using a Hosting Control Panel is an essential aspect of a company. This tool is undoubtedly equipped with features that make it easier to manage your company.

After reading all the above explanations about the Hosting Control Panel, choose a control panel that suits your needs. You can use Cloudmatika's Virtual Private Server and Virtual Private Cloud hosting services to improve the performance of your business website, as well as many other services. Contact Cloudmatika today to consult further about your business website hosting needs.
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