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What is Unauthorized Access, and How to Prevent It from Happening to Your Business

By Cloudmatika 24 January, 2023

Unauthorized access is an action that often occurs when there is unauthorized access. To understand its impact and how to prevent it, check out the following article!

When prioritizing data security on a network or computer system, the easiest way is to regulate data access. You can specify only a few parties that can access the data. However, parties often try to access it even though they are not authorized.

Unauthorized access is the proper term for this kind of activity. Unauthorized access is part of the obstacles in the world of information systems that can sometimes be troubling since the parts that are trying to be accessed are often essential.

To further understand what unauthorized access is, Cloudmatika will review it further so you can know the obstacle. We will check what unauthorized access is, its impact, and how to prevent unauthorized access. Make sure you read this article until the end!

What is Unauthorized Access?

Unauthorized access is often related to illegal access, which is the same and interchangeable. Unauthorized access is the act of accessing without permission, which tends to threaten a party's ownership.

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For both small and large entities, unauthorized access can be potentially dangerous because it is still related to actions such as hacking. However, unauthorized access often occurs in companies that must provide access to several parties but must also limit access from parties that are not concerned.

Access restrictions are given for security matters such as company data, which a protection system protects. Therefore, the perpetrators of unauthorized access cannot be random people. Most of the perpetrators of unauthorized access have abilities equivalent to hacking but may have different goals.

What are the Impacts of Unauthorized Access?

Preventing unauthorized access is something that should be a priority, especially when it comes to data security. Unauthorized access will cause some impacts that might not be pleasant for you. Here are some of the effects caused by unauthorized access if you experience it.

1. Unauthorized Access Reveals Unauthorized Information

The first adverse impact if you experience unauthorized access is the disclosure of the information you or the company has. In some companies, some info is usually private or not officially released by the company.

Information that still needs to be processed or is deliberately not shared is usually a significant asset that not all parties from the company should know. If unauthorized access manages to touch these assets and get the contents, they will most likely reveal this unofficial information and can be misused.

2. Unauthorized Access Causes Operating System Disruption

The operating system referred to here is a company's operating system for maintaining productivity. If your company experiences unauthorized access from irresponsible parties, then the impact of disrupting the productivity operating system is.

How to Prevent Unauthorized Access?

In Indonesia itself, the issue of unauthorized access has become a government concern. The handling of unauthorized access or other possible cyber crimes is in Law No.11 of 2008, Articles 27 to 35 concerning ITE. However, in addition to prevention from the government, you and your company must also make some regulations to minimize cases of unauthorized access. Here are the steps you can take and implement to reduce unauthorized access.

1. Understand Some Causes of Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized access can happen for several reasons. Unauthorized access is not only a matter of harmful intentions by some parties. Some cases of unauthorized access can arise due to the inadvertence of various parties who have access.

One of them is due to guessing passwords. Guessing the password when logging in to access company data is the highest and most common factor that causes unauthorized access. However, guessing passwords is also often done by parties who aim to break into the access. Besides guessing passwords, unauthorized access can also be caused by errors or vulnerabilities in company software, commonly known as bugs. While bugs in software are not particularly dangerous, some people unknowingly create planned bugs to gain access to private parts of the company.

Another cause can be the result of social engineering by irresponsible parties. Sometimes, some of these irresponsible parties try to manipulate some individuals who have access to hand over data that is considered sensitive. There are many ways, such as sending emails, pop-ups on websites, or even text messages.

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2. Implement Strategies to Minimize Too Much Access

Implement several strategies to minimize too much access to important company data. One of them is by giving access to specific individuals who are directly related to the use of these assets. The less access is granted, the more it can minimize unwanted unauthorized access.

In addition, you and your company can create policies regarding creating strong passwords and password regulations. Anyone who wants and is required to access company assets or data must follow these regulations to minimize unauthorized access.

3. Use Guaranteed Data Protection

In addition to regulations within the company, you and the company must also provide the best data storage facilities for company assets, such as using high-security cloud storage. Storage in the cloud will be very suitable for a company because it can be used for many users but still provides good protection to minimize unauthorized access.

You and your company can use Cloudmatika's cloud-based storage service. Cloudmatika's cloud-based storage service allows you to manage who has access to your company's critical assets without worrying about being breached by irresponsible parties. Contact us here for more information about cloud-based storage.
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