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Pros and Reasons Why You Should Use CentOS as Your Server Operating System

By Cloudmatika 29 January, 2023

CentOS is one of the operating systems that can be an option for your computer system. Why is that? Check out the following article to find out why!

CentOS is one of the operating systems that can be an option for your computer system. Why is that? Check out the following article to find out why! CentOS is one of the many operating systems that you can find. When we talk about operating systems on computers, the question arises as to why operating systems are considered essential and significantly influence computer systems.

Before choosing which operating system is suitable for your computer system, you should first understand what an operating system is and why this component is needed.

The operating system is software commonly known as software in the computer world. Its function is to harmonize the work of hardware or hardware (computer) with software (computer applications).

The operating system controls the most basic system in a computer system's performance to run optimally. Therefore, computer systems and computers will not be able to work if the operating system does not assist them. This makes the operating system an essential component of a computer system.

As mentioned earlier, CentOS can be an operating system choice for you. If you want to know why, Cloudmatika will further review the advantages and disadvantages you can consider when choosing this operating system. Make sure you listen to this article until the end.

What's CentOS all about?

CentOS is an operating system that you can choose from the many operating systems that can be found. CentOS stands for Community Enterprise Operating System, one of the products or distributions of Linux. CentOS is very suitable when used on a large scale, such as an enterprise scale.

CentOS is a development product of a Linux project called CentOS Project. CentOS Project uses the same code sourced from another Linux distribution called Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

CentOS is familiar among computer technology users as an operating system. This is because there are many communities or individuals around the world who use CentOS because of its free learning tutorials. Some tutorials that you can learn for free are mailing lists, IRC Internet Relay Chat for instant messaging, and websites.

When you choose an operating system, there are several things to consider, such as advantages and disadvantages. This also applies when you select CentOS as an operating system.

What are the Strengths of CentOS?

Some of the advantages of CentOS by Linux can make you fall in love with this operating system. Why is that? Here are the benefits that you can feel by using CentOS.

1. Similar to and compatible with RHEL CentOS.

It is the twin of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). As mentioned earlier, the code base used by CentOS is also sourced from RHEL. Therefore, most of its capabilities and performance are similar to RHEL. If you want to try out RHEL's capabilities without spending a dime, CentOS is the solution.

2. Agile Capabilities CentOS

Agile capabilities can optimize work that is relatively heavy for computer systems. The agile capabilities of CentOS will help to make processes fast yet stable.

3. Efficient Operating System Resources

When using CentOS, operating system resources are efficient. Operating system resources are hardware devices connected to a system, such as hard drives, printers, or memory. Compared to other Linux distributions, CentOS is an operating system that does not require many resources.

4. Strong Community

An adequate community has always supported CentOS. It is sufficient because the CentOS community is very active and supportive. If you choose CentOS OS, you don't need to worry if you experience difficulties or problems. You can contact the CentOs community because they will help with all CentOS-related matters users share.

​5. No Cost or Free

As an individual involved in the world of information and computer engineering, trying out various operating systems can be something you want. But regardless of any involvement in the world of information systems or computers, you can use CentOS for free.

Why Should You Use CentOS for Your Server?

After knowing some of the advantages of CentOS, there are several reasons why you should use CentOS as your operating system. Here are some of the reasons you need to know.

1. CentOS has Layered Security

If you use CentOS as an operating system, you can get layered security on the operating system. This is because CentOS itself has several security features that can be used by its users, such as Security Enhanced Linux, commonly referred to as SELinux.

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SELinux is a security feature included in CentO which functions as an access control mechanism in managing the overall security configuration of all CentOS files and work processes. The existence of SELinux in CentOS minimizes intrusions or vulnerabilities to the system.

2. CentOS with Package Management

You can also get package management by choosing CentOS as your operating system. Before understanding what package management is, you must understand what a package is. The package manager in this operating system is also the same as the package manager in the programming system.

Package manager functions to make it easier for users to install, update, and manage the version of the package in the project being worked on. The package is an archive containing several files and is then installed on a computer, which uses a package manager in the installation process.

3. CentOS has a long life.

The operating system of CentOS is long. For example, CentOS 7 was released and launched in 2014. The period that CentOS can operate is said to be extended until 2024. Therefore, you will constantly update the CentOS 7 operating system until 2024. CentOS updates will be in the form of security fixes or adding new features.

4. CentOS Conducts Complete Documentation

As a beginner in using a Linux distributor, you don't need to worry because CentOS will provide user documentation that is considered complete. The documentation in question includes instructions such as installing CentOS and configuring configurations that might be complicated for users.

5. CentOS Supports Several Control Panels

As an operating system, CentOS is highly compatible with various software for hosting control panels. Some hosting control panels that CentOS can support include Webmin, VestaCP, Webuzo, and cPanel.

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You can also use CentOS as a VPS. VPS is a Virtual Private Server, a web hosting service that uses virtualization technology. CentOS itself is excellent for system administrator users in building a server. To use a Cloud VPS with the CentOS operating system from Linux, you can use Cloudmatika's services. Our Cloud VPS is affordable but has complete features to meet your company's digital needs. Contact us here for more information.
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